Our Blog

Interested in learning more about pelvic health? You’ve come to the right place!

What to Expect In Pelvic Floor Therapy

I'm thinking about starting pelvic floor therapy - but gosh, what are they going to do? What's one reason we most often hear for why women have not made a call to a pelvic floor therapist? Being NERVOUS.   Nervous about finding something wrong. Nervous about being...

Endo Diet

Have you heard of the Endo Diet? Remember that endometriosis is an inflammatory disease, and some of the symptoms of endometriosis include bloating and abdominal pain, in addition to pelvic pain or menstrual pain (among others!).  Not every woman with...

Endometriosis Awareness Month

Endometriosis Awareness Month It might be hard to believe, but as many as 1 in 10 women have endometriosis. Even crazier, on average it takes 10 years for a woman to finally receive a diagnosis of endometriosis - usually after years of trying to figure out “what’s...

True or False: Peeing Yourself A Little Is Normal

We’ve all heard that one of the effects of giving birth is that you’ll likely pee yourself from time to time. And while it’s true that this problem is very common among women who have given birth, it is not true that you just have to deal with it! Taking the right steps can make a world of difference to staying dry.

Pressure and Bulging “Down There”- What is Prolapse?

Pelvic Organ Prolapse – what is that exactly? Many women hear about it, and it seems like something terrible or scary. Many women even fear their organs are going to fall out or they’ll never be able to have sex again. And although it can be a little surprising to notice a new sensation of bulging or heaviness, pelvic organ prolapse is actually fairly common and can be managed quite well with corrective exercises and education…

Is The “Mom Pooch” Here to Stay?

Many moms refer to any stretching or change in their belly after pregnancy a “mommy pooch.” And though it is quite common (and normal!) to have a visual change in the tightness and appearance of your abdominal muscles after pregnancy, it’s important to differentiate between having a belly that looks different than before your first pregnancy and determining if you actually have a diastasis recti and, if so, how severe it is.

Can Chronic Pelvic Pain Get Better?

If you’ve been dealing with months or even years of lingering pain, either sharp or subtle, in your genitals, tailbone or abdomen, you may know that understanding what is going on with your body can be difficult to figure out. Why did this pain start? Will it ever end? What’s really wrong?

Is Your Poop REALLY a Pelvic Floor Issue?

Did you know that constipation is one of the most common GI complaints in the US?Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week, but it can also include symptoms such as abdominal discomfort and difficulty with passing stools or initiating bowel movements.

Top 3 Reasons You Have Pain During Sex

If you’re experiencing pain with intercourse, you may have been told that “it will pass,” or that sometimes that “just happens.” It’s easy to feel hopeless or not know where to turn to make things better. The good news is that there are solid steps to take toward the resolution of painful intercourse.

Getting Started Is Easy

Don't worry, you're in good hands. We've made the process super easy for you.

Step 1 - Book a free 30 minute in-person discovery session

Step 2 - Meet your therapist and see if we would be a good fit for each other!

Step 3 - Schedule your first 60 minute PT evaluation - and get ready to regain control and feel your best again.

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